
laith-sugarmillIt’s always great to play with my old pal, rockin’ blues guitar great, Laith Al-Saadi. We spent a lot of time on stage together throughout Michigan and the entire midwest for 8 years. We recently took over the west for a couple nights performing two shows in the Los Angeles area with a little help from special guest Jimmy Vivino of Conan O’Brien’s Basic Cable Band. Thanks to Cadillac Zack for organizing the events and packin’ em in!


Dyllan Murray -kiss meLots of new video content released from the Dyllan Murray camp today. Dyllan is a young pop artist I’ve been recording with in Los Angeles over the coarse of this last year. You can check out the official music video for the single “Kiss Me”, the acoustic version with me on vocals and piano, and some fun behind the scenes vids as well. Enjoy!!!!

“Kiss Me” – The Recording Of (The Village Recorder studios)

“Kiss Me” – Behind the Scenes of the Music Video Shoot (on location)

“Kiss Me” – Official Music Video

“Kiss Me” – Acoustic version (me on piano/vocals)


I’m part of a David Bowie tribute band currently called The Ziggy Revue. I use the term “currently” because it is subject to change. Regardless, we played our first show this past weekend at the Good Hurt in Los Angeles performing the Ziggy Stardust record in it’s entirety. The Singularity, the Brit synth-pop band I recently became an official member of, was also on the bill. The show was a success raising a significant amount of money for the Young Angels Of America charity.


alloytrackslogoLooking to expand his company Alloy Tracks, I’ve started collaborating with Troy MacCubbin producing film trailer music, film and television cues, commercial audio, and sound effects. Already a “go to” company for motion picture advertising, Alloy Tracks is the cutting edge source for film, tv, gaming, commercial, and any new form of media. I’m happy and excited to be working with Troy and looking forward to the future expansion of Alloy Tracks!


Be on the look out for a fresh, new artist named Dyllan Murray. I tracked drums for some of his material recently and was asked to appear in his video for a catchy pop tune called “Kiss Me”. It dropped only four days ago and already has close to 300,000 views!


Layla KRecently I had the great pleasure of playing with a new artist named Layla Kilolu for her debut EP release. The show took place in Venice, CA last weekend. If you missed it we’re performing again on May 10th at a venue called Atwater Crossing in Los Angeles. Hope to see you there. In the mean time click the link to see a video from Layla for a song featured on her new EP.


Facing Arrows logoThis just in… LA’s finest high-energy rock n roll band Facing Arrows will be performing at Molly Malones downtown Los Angeles on Saturday night, March 30th. Some months ago I was asked to track drums for an EP that they’ve been recording. This will be my debut live performance with these boys so come on down and support. You won’t be disappointed!

See all show dates


lambIt’s been a while since I’ve done one of these shameless self-promotion drum videos so here’s the latest. I chose a beautiful song called “Open Up” by an electronic duo from Manchester, England called Lamb. While revisiting their 2003 release, Between Darkness and Wonder, this song jumped out as a perfect song to easily integrate some live drumming, apparently tastefully enough to get their blessing! This will most likely be the last “cover song” video I do. The focus shall be on original content from this point on. Until the next one please enjoy…